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Review “I have found Peter’s books exceptionally well written, applauded by my students for its quality and readability. It immediately leads us excitingly toward the geneses of the symptoms we often treat as causal. It is direct and logical in its development. It is easy reading but by no means elementary. Finally but more importantly, it will I feel help students better understand their own needs and develop plans for further development.” (William A. Welch, Sr., Ed.D.)“A useable and up-to-date introduction of the psychodynamic approach that brings psychological concerns about motivation and personality into a helpful conversation with mainstream leadership theory.” (Jack Barentsen)“This is a great addition to the text.  It is important for leaders to understand and meet the needs of those whom they are leading and the environment in which their interactions take place.   They must seamlessly account for all these factors in a way that is not focused on the leader him or herself, but on the context.  [The Adaptive Leadership Chapter] presents leadership through a new lens and provides an approach to leadership that was missing from previous editions.  It offers concrete practical examples that are relatable and provide context to both current and future leaders.” (Daniel W. Calhoun)“This is an excellent introductory text to the field of leadership studies. It features short, concise, readable chapters complemented by case studies and self-analyses for those wishing to apply the material. It is the first book I recommend to anyone wishing to learn more about the field and how they can improve their own leadership practices.” (Benjamin W. Redekop)“This is simply my bible for teaching on Leadership. It is informative, yet an enjoyable read and essential for lecturers and students alike. No module on Leadership should be without one!” (Frances Dodd)“Leadership: Theory and Practice is a scholarly examination of leadership as a dynamic, evolving, and elusive influence process with differing approaches to effectively build relationships and facilitate the achievement of goals and visions.” (Horacio Salinas, Jr.)“Northouse is highly readable and explains leadership material extremely well.  He then presents the strengths and weaknesses of various leadership approaches in a compelling way, yielding evidence based leadership practices.” (Jon Sager)“Northouse’s approach to leadership provides a balanced overview of both theory and relevant application while presenting it an easy to understand format. Students will find it an excellent resource for years to come.” (Kaye Shelton)“This is the ideal text for a survey course on leadership theory that also helps students put their leadership into practice.” (Lisa Burgoon)“A must read for anyone preparing to take a leadership position in any setting.” (Moja Teboho)“This single text has become the primary resource for our doctoral program in Educational Leadership. It provides the foundation upon which we base our program of study and encompasses the breadth of leadership theory and practice in a manner accessible to students, practitioners, and scholars.” (Pamela Scott)“Leadership today is about building followership, and Leadership: Theory and Practice provides a practical approach for how to build that followship in today’s workforce.” (Patti Ippoliti)“Leadership: Theory and Practice is a ‘must have’ for all students studying leadership at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.  Theories of leadership are articulated in a very accessible manner and supported by appropriate case studies which bring meaning to the rhetoric –reality debate. This text is well structured and takes the student on a learning journey which leads to a greater understanding of leadership in its broadest sense.” (Rose Envy)“The text does an excellent job of addressing leadership at the individual level of analysis. The single greatest strength is the empirical review of the major theories of leadership, provided in a chapter framework that describes the theory, explains how a particular approach works, describes strengths and criticisms, discusses how to apply the theory, provides relevant cases, and a related assessment instrument.” (Thomas Meriweather) Read more About the Author Peter G. Northouse, PhD, is Professor Emeritus of Communication in the School of Communication at Western Michigan University. In addition to publications in professional journals, he is the author of Leadership: Theory and Practice (now in its seventh edition) and Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice (now in its third edition) and coauthor of Health Communication: Strategies for Health Professionals (now in its third edition). His scholarly and curricular interests include models of leadership, leadership assessment, ethical leadership, and leadership and group dynamics. For more than 30 years, he has taught courses in leadership, interpersonal communication, and organizational communication to both undergraduate and graduate students. Currently, he is a consultant and lecturer on trends in leadership research, leadership development, and leadership education. He holds a doctorate in speech communication from the University of Denver, and master’s and bachelor’s degrees in communication education from Michigan State University. 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